Thursday, October 18, 2012

Where does the time go?

I just saw that my last post was my first day of funny is that. Well, maybe not funny, but telling? I have a hard time finding balance! I'd been wanting to make updates for some time now, but promised myself the next time I blogged I'd add pictures. So here goes...Blogging and pictures...the goal is to complete this before Emry wakes up from her nap.

Yes, before Emry wakes up from her nap. After 10 days of a cold and twice to the Dr this week (Mon/Tuesday) to just be sure it was a cold (which was validated), she came home from daycare with a 102.5 fever yesterday (Wednesday) her first fever since her surgery in July (which is amazing, but also a bit of a bummer). It's hard to know what this fever is all about. She's had a cold (although on the tail end), she was exposed to Nolan, who had a fever earlier this week with a sore throat, and she just got a flu shot while at the Dr on Tuesday...all of which could attribute to her fever, however, with her history, we have to always think about her kidneys.

By the time I got home from work yesterday, she was napping in daddy's arms (sign number one something is wrong because that girl is always on the move). I called her infectious disease Dr and he said to start her on the antibiotic we keep at home...which we tried and she vomited up. He didn't want us to worry to much about the fever, but wants us to be sure to be treating the (potential) kidney infection. If it's a cold/flu or anything else virus related, it will go away, but if it's an infection, we have to treat and we always error on the side of caution. SO, we started small doses (.2ml) of antibiotic at a time until we reached a dose. She wanted to be held pretty much all night (no complaints here!). She did sleep in her crib from about 2am-6am, which was wonderful for her. She woke up pretty good. She was walking around this morning which is a big difference from last night. We will see what she is like when she wakes up from her nap. I'll call the Dr again today and likely bring her in if she is still fevering. This would be our opportunity to have some "other" tests run, if she is still fevering, because then we will have some "truer" results.

When she has seen better days, Emry has become more of a daddy's girl. She loves to run to him when she sees him. She's gotten up to 22 pounds now and she is running versus walking these days. She is so smart (I know we all say that about our kids)...she climbs on the step stool in the bathroom and gets out her toothbrush and toothpaste. She always looks for her puppy (lovey), she can tell you what a cow says and a puppy says. And, she also (thanks to Nolan) learned how to say "NO." (He still doesn't like to share his things)

Nolan has been very active in swimming and an ECFE class with dad. He has also been going to preschool two times a week (he hasn't dropped out yet!).  He loves to wear pants with pockets (so he can put things in them). We did finally spring for a new 4T wardrobe. One night while having a fire in September, we noticed when Nolan sat down that his pants came to his capris. That gave us the go ahead from dad to have a shopping trip :)  Nolan has grown up quite a bit himself. Dylan and I catch each others glances pretty much daily after Nolan says something a little too grown up for his age. He is also quite the back seat driver (Mom! you are going to fast! Mom, can we go faster?) Sometimes when I turn a corner I hear a littler --errr (like tires squeeling) from his carseat! :)

Overall, the kids have been great. We've enjoyed time outside (on nicer days than this) and have loved the fall weather.

Dylan and I have kept busy (mostly with the kids). We did have a night away at the beginning of October and were able to join some friends for a wedding.  The next day I was able to join my parents and sister in law to watch Tony and Tracey run the Twin Cities Marathon. They both did awesome. Nicole and I cheered and had to much fun watching them (emphasis on watching). Congrats to the both of them for completing and for their exceptional times (they both beat their personal goals). In other big news (not quite as big as running a marathon, but is exciting for us) NO we are NOT pregnant. We did build a front porch. It looks awesome and it's already decorated for Halloween (Nolan had been asking since October 1 to decorate for one of his favorite holidays).

I've been enjoying my new job. I feel a bit bad about already taking a day off. However, my family comes first. Still working on that balance! Overall, it feels like a great place to work. I am taking on more responsibilities and think I am actually picking up on some of the ins and outs of crop insurance. Who knew that corn, soybeans, wheat, winter wheat, pistachios...etc, could be so complicated!

Well, I should try to get some pictures loaded here before Miss Em is ready to cuddle again!

Fall Fun

The new porch (decorated for Halloween already)

A little more fall fun. This is at the apple orchard. Emry would not leave the animals alone (she loved them). And Nolan was super cheesy wanting pictures of him everywhere and anywhere!

Dylan and me on our night out

Wishing you a great week ( Month/Holiday Season/New Year....not sure when I'll be back)  :)

"May the Lord bless you and protect you, May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26


  1. Love the porch! Sorry to hear Em is under the weather! Love and miss you tons and tons!!

  2. The porch looks awesome!! Miss you! We will be back in Saint Paul Thanksgiving weekend. I hope we get to see you guys.
