I have to say we have been trying! Dylan and I have been enjoying time with our kids while trying to get back into the swing of work and our everyday routines. The weather has been wonderful, so we've been able to enjoy walks or bike rides with the kids after dinner. Our nights come a little earlier as we are both exhausted...and mornings can be tough to get up and get going as we still try to recover from our previous sleepless nights. I have started each day this week by thanking God for the opportunity to get out of bed...and even though my eyes are still sleepy, that I have my sight. I've found it a bit more motivating to be giving thanks as I am waking up...and have had to push snooze a little less.
The kids seem to be catching up on their Zzzs as well. Emry is going to bed between 6:30 and 7 and Nolan is even going a bit earlier than he used to...closer to 8:30. When I went to wake up Nolan this morning (mind you he is usually the first one up most days), he asked me to come back later. He then said, you can get Emry up first. So, I did. Emry is amazing to get up in the morning. Her excitement and smiles help you start your day off on the right foot. After she was up and dressed, we went back to get Nolan up and he asked to sleep a bit longer...unfortunately, because I am a working momma, we didn't have that option.
Emry has been healing wonderfully. She seems to be fully recovered and has spent the week at daycare. I know she is getting a lot of love and attention, so that helps (me)!!
It's been hard to get back into the swing of things at work...I think for Dylan too. Having focused so much on our family the past two weeks, with the situation we were in, it's hard to really put focus on other things. We know we have to work, but we definitely are excited to come home and be with our kids. In fact, a friend at work had the most amazing statement the other day, that I had to add it in here (it may be my new motto)!
"work is just a place you go to enjoy your home life more"
I'll have to see over the course of the next few months, if that can actually hold true for me :)
We have plans for Nolan's 4th birthday party on Saturday. He is so excited! We started a count down and he tells us every day how many days there are until his party. We are having our first "friend" party this year. He was in charge of the invite list, inviting all our neighbors and kids from daycare. I am very excited to focus on him for a day. He deserves to be the center of attention. He really is an amazing kid and a great big brother.
Back to my necklace that I am so happy to have made it's way into my hands today...what a reminder...Embrace life! Enjoy something today...the weather, a ball game, the breeze, your spouse, your children...a good meal!!!
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